TikTok influencer marketing, elevated

Leverage social media's fastest growing channel for maximum brand reach and exponential results.
Let's Get Started

We Transform Your TikTok

Our end-to-end services cover everything from influencer collaborations to branded content creation.

Creative Strategy & Ideation

Don't know where to start with TikTok marketing? We’re your agency. Obviously was one of the first influencer firms to engage with the app and already has a rich history of case studies.

Influencer Management

Eliminate the back and forth emails. Our project managers handle all campaign communication including influencer identification, negotiation, and content direction.

Music Composition & Licensing

We provide custom music composition services so your brand's personality shines while you avoid potential lawsuits.


Commission custom creative from any TikToker that can be used anywhere from the For You Page to marketing emails.

Obviously x tiktok

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Our Services

Product Seeding & Sampling

Get your product in the right hands for maximum visibility. Generate high-profile reviews, how-to videos, and organic product placement content through gifting programs.

Viral Hits

We don't just follow trends, we create them. Your brand can be the epicenter of the next TikTok craze and benefit from its viral momentum.

Paid Amplification

We take your best performing videos and use paid media to expand the content’s reach and impact.

Licensing & Usage Rights

Your branded material = your right to use. We negotiate content licensing rights with all creators so you have the freedom to post your videos wherever, whenever.

Reporting & Analytics

See your influence in the numbers. Our comprehensive final report summarizes KPIs and crucial data points, providing critical insights for future campaigns.

Why Tiktok?

TikTok is the #1 downloaded app of 2020. TikTok’s algorithm favors virality and rewards emerging influencers, making it the perfect platform for brands seeking efficient reach.
most downloaded app globally in March 2020
TikTok installs worldwide
of TikTok users visit the app more than 1x daily
of U.S. TikTok users make over $100k annually
monthly active TikTok users in the U.S.
of TikTok users are between the ages of 16-24

U.S. TikTok Demographics

Gen X + Baby Boomers
Gen Z

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