Data Driven Influencing

High-impact campaigns come from comprehensive reporting.
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2,600 M
Organic impressions
Completed campaigns
of our campaigns perform
better in engagement rate
than industry benchmark

Real data in
real time

Review campaign results as soon as posts go live in your own personalized dashboard. Track activity across all platforms with ease in our optimized UI.

Customer insights

Our platform breaks down your engagement according to location, age, gender, and more, so you know exactly which strategies are working with what audiences.

Monumental metrics

We track essential KPIs including impressions, likes, comments, engagement, and earned media value so you know every post’s precise impact.


Future focused

Our end of campaign report includes opportunities for optimization and strategy refinement, and suggests the next best campaign for you. A comparison of previous data shows that with every collaboration, ROI increases.

Tiered tracking

See attribution and engagement by influencer tier, from nano to macro, so you know you’re spending money where it matters.

Qualitative meets Quantitative

We identify common themes in audience sentiments towards the campaign and condense them into easily understood metrics.

LEt's get started

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